Jacob + Christina = Married!

Jacob and Christina were married this past weekend in one of the most incredible venues I've been to. Big windows with plenty of natural light, amazing hardwood flooring, beautiful brick... I knew exactly what shots I wanted the moment I stepped into the hall. Seriously, if you are ever in need of a venue in Albany, Oregon, check out Flinn Block Hall, it's beautiful.

One of my favorite shots was taken a few minutes before the ceremony started. Jacob and Christina chose to stay away from each other until she walked down the aisle, so they hadn't seen each other yet, but both sides of the bridal party wanted to pray. The wedding coordinator and I came up with a corner to have the bride and groom stand at so that they could hold hands, but not see one another. This shot of them holding hands had my eyes tearing up a little. It was a sweet moment that may have been surrounded by a small crowd, but the only two that were in that moment were Jacob and Christina.

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Don't you love it? Okay, here's some more teasers!

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